Courtesy of Ana Gabriela Juárez.

Based in Toronto, Ana Gabriela Juárez is the president of Canadian operations at CTA Environmental Consultants and the founder of Women in Mining Central America. She has worked in the mining industry with a focus on environmental sustainability for more than 20 years. 

In her new book, a young girl named Ana is celebrating a shared birthday with her grandmother when she discovers a mysterious map in the attic of her house, which whisks her and two friends on a magical adventure to a mining realm.  

Ana’s Adventures at the Mine: The Secret of La Esperanza has been on Amazon’s best sellers list in 38 categories since its mid-September release and has been published in English, Portuguese, Arabic and Spanish. CIM Magazine connected with Juárez by email to discuss the book. 

CIM: Walk us through what inspired you to write this book and how you approached the writing process. 

Juárez: I was born in Guatemala, a land rich in natural beauty and resources, yet often entangled in misconceptions about mining and its impact. I realized there was a significant gap in how the industry was perceived and the reality of its potential for positive impact, especially in terms of environmental stewardship and community development. 

The idea for Ana’s Adventures at the Mine is rooted from when I noticed a distinct lack of resources that could introduce children, especially girls, to mining in a way that was both educational and inspiring. I wanted to dismantle the stereotype of mining being solely a man’s world and show it as a realm of endless possibilities, where sustainability and technology meet. 

As a writer, my approach was to blend reality with elements of magic and adventure. I wanted to capture the imagination of young readers, to take them on a journey that was not only fascinating but also enlightening. The character of Ana is reflective of many young girls—curious, brave and ready to explore. Her adventures in the book mirror the journey of discovery—both of oneself and the world of mining. My goal was to create a story that resonates not just with children but also with adults, encouraging them to think differently about the world beneath our feet and the people who work in it. 

I took great care in weaving real-life scenarios and environmental themes into the narrative, ensuring that while the story was fun and engaging, it also imparted key lessons about responsible mining practices and the importance of STEM [science, technology, engineering and mathematics] fields. To lend authenticity, the book includes characters inspired by real women in mining—role models who embody strength, intelligence and compassion. This was crucial in showing that a career in mining can be both fulfilling and impactful. 

CIM: Tell me more about what happens in the book and your favourite part of the story. 

Juárez: In the book we journey with Ana, a young, curious girl, who discovers a magical map together with her friends, leading them to a mining village. This map [sparks] her adventure into the world of mining, where she learns not only about the industry, but also about her family’s connection to it, especially through her grandmother, Maureen Jensen, a renowned geologist. Ana, alongside her friends Juana and Raksha, embarks on a quest within the mine, unravelling its secrets and learning about various aspects of mining. 

My favourite part of the story is the moment when Ana and her friends discover a hidden chamber within the mine, revealing an array of sparkling gems and minerals. This discovery is not just about the beauty and wealth beneath our feet; it symbolizes the hidden potential and opportunities within the mining industry, especially for women. This scene is pivotal as it marks Ana’s realization of her love for geology and her desire to pursue a career in mining, similar to her grandmother’s. 

This part of the book is particularly dear to me because it encapsulates the essence of the story—discovery, empowerment and the bridging of generations through a shared passion for the Earth’s treasures. It’s a celebration of the wonder that mining holds, a tribute to the women who have paved the way in this field and a beacon of encouragement for the young girls who will read it and dare to dream big. 

CIM: Take me back to moments in your career that challenged you—why is it important to have women represented in the mining industry? 

Juárez: When I have found myself presenting in meetings—surrounded predominantly by men—the challenge wasn’t just in presenting my ideas but in ensuring they were taken seriously in a room where I was the only woman, and the youngest [person]. 

The presence of women in mining challenges and changes the industry’s traditional narratives. It opens up opportunities for mentorship and role modelling, which are vital for encouraging more young women to pursue careers in STEM and mining. Seeing someone like yourself in a role you aspire to can be incredibly powerful. It breaks down barriers and fosters an environment where talent and ambition are the primary drivers, not gender. 

For me, the goal is not just to have women in mining, but to create an industry where women can thrive, lead and effect change. It’s about building an inclusive culture that values and leverages the unique contributions of all its members. 

CIM: What would you like your young audience to learn most from your book?  

Juárez: The most important lesson I want my young audience to learn is the power of curiosity, the importance of exploration and the value of perseverance. I want them to see that their dreams and ambitions are valid and achievable, regardless of their gender or background. 

CIM: What would you like your audience to know about the mining industry? 

Juárez: I want young readers to know that it’s much more than just digging up minerals from the ground. It’s a complex, dynamic field that involves a range of disciplines, from geology and engineering to environmental science and community relations. The mining industry plays a crucial role in our daily lives, providing materials for everything from smartphones to houses. 

I hope that Ana’s Adventures at the Mine will open their eyes to a world of possibilities, encouraging them to consider careers in STEM fields and to be part of an industry that is vital to our future.