Courtesy of Hitachi.

Hitachi is introducing updates made to its ConSite Mine system, which monitors large mining machinery such as hydraulic shovels and rigid dump trucks and uses AI-driven analysis to proactively identify issues before they occur. For example, by predicting cracks in an excavator’s boom and arm, the system can help users anticipate where maintenance and inspections are needed to prevent costly repairs. Updates to the system include Pump Health Detection, a function that allows for proactive monitoring of hydraulic pumps, as well as the implementation of ConSite Mine Scan, a powerful new tool that can help operators with performance testing and wear measurement, which assesses how much a machine’s component has worn down or degraded over time due to its operational use. ConSite Mine provides two types of detailed reports for users, including a monthly report with updates about a machine’s operational status, and an alarm report, which quickly alerts operators to any abnormalities that have been picked up by various sensors.